Creating a Character Pack for Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers
Creating a character pack for SRB2K or Ring Racers can be a bit confusing because it requires you to use a few programs, primarily 2. Creating a character pack has 3 benefits: one is that PK3’s are a special file type, comprised of compressed WADs that still work in games. Think of it like a ZIP file you can import and run in a game without extracting the files. The second benefit is that the SRB2 forum requires you to use this format when uploading characters to save on file space, meaning you are free to share your characters on the forum once you go through this process. The third benefit is that if you create a pack of custom characters you ALWAYS use, you can easily load them in SRB2K or Ring Racers with one click instead of manually selecting a ton of WADs.
Below is the process you will need to perform to create a character pack:
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Converting a Character WAD into a Character PK3
2. Open WAD2PK3. Select “Open WAD” and browse for your Character WAD.
3. The default options should be okay. Select “Save PK3.” This will make a copy of your WAD and convert it to a PK3.
Creating the Character PK3 Pack
2. Go to “File > Open” and import all of the PK3s you want to include in the pack.
3. Near the top of the middle window, select the tab of your new archive (if you haven’t saved yet, it should be called “UNSAVED (Zip).”
4. In the middle window, select the green folder icon with a plus on it (labeled “New Directory.” Name the new folder “skins.” Click anywhere else to de-select the skins folder. Doing the same process, create another folder called “sounds".
5. Select the “skins” folder and create a new folder. Title it as the name of your character as you have it displayed in the character properties (NOT “realname”). Then, select the sounds folder and perform the same action. Do this for each character you want included in the pack.
6 Select a tab near the top that has one of your character PK3’s. Open up their Skins Folder. Copy EVERYTHING in that folder, go back to your Character Pack, select the “skins” folder, select the folder of the character you’re working on, and paste all the contents. Repeat the same process for the “sounds” folder.
7. Once complete, select “File > Save” and give your pack a title. Save it as a PK3.