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A Tanuki boxer who happens to be Plum's main rival. No matter how hard she works, she usually tends to be #2 in local standings. Despite the two being rivals, they're pretty good friends and often hang out together after matches. She's much more social than Plum and tends to have a more obnoxious, "in-your-face" attitude, but it's mainly just for show. Either way, she means well. She's a little bit of a nerd, but not as much as Plum. Sometimes she'll show up on Plum's game streams in multiplayer games. Her hobbies include fishing, hiking, and exercising.

She was adopted and raised by cat fisherman who runs a seafood shop. She spent most of her childhood working in the shop, where she put her strength to good use by moving boxes and deliveries. She used to be super quiet and soft-spoken until she gave boxing a try. After entering numerous tournaments and winning, she came out of her shell. Due to her success, her dad's shop is now super popular and her dad is super proud of her.
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