Maple & Cobbler

A buddy-duo pair that I came up with for a mock up of a Banjo-Kazooie-esque platformer!
Maple (sometimes nicknamed Peach) the Tree Kangaroo is tough yet laid back. She likes things to be neat and orderly. She's not too fast or good at jumping, but she has great upper-body strength for climbing and punching! Despite her relatively short stature, she's much stronger than she looks and she's even a bit cocky about her strength. She's the bodyguard / bouncer for a kingdom of giant bees. She has a little tree-top apartment at the very top of the giant tree where the hive is located.
Cobbler is a young bee who is rambunctious and loud. Though he's outgoing and energetic, he's very sweet and considerate. He's able to shoot stingers from his butt and helps Maple in the jumping department. He's one of the few sons of the Queen Bee and loves to hang out with Maple.
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Maple (sometimes nicknamed Peach) the Tree Kangaroo is tough yet laid back. She likes things to be neat and orderly. She's not too fast or good at jumping, but she has great upper-body strength for climbing and punching! Despite her relatively short stature, she's much stronger than she looks and she's even a bit cocky about her strength. She's the bodyguard / bouncer for a kingdom of giant bees. She has a little tree-top apartment at the very top of the giant tree where the hive is located.
Cobbler is a young bee who is rambunctious and loud. Though he's outgoing and energetic, he's very sweet and considerate. He's able to shoot stingers from his butt and helps Maple in the jumping department. He's one of the few sons of the Queen Bee and loves to hang out with Maple.