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Queen Kalan

The Queen of Kazway. Kalan is a creature known as a "Porc," a pig-like Orc creature. She comes from a royal family that's only been established for about 6 generations. She's very accepting and open-minded to new ideas and is always trying to help others out as much as she can. Even though she's highly educated and takes her role very seriously, she's very chipper, silly, and even a little strange. Nevertheless, she's adored by her subjects and the surrounding kingdoms. She's quite young, at around 30 years old. She's highly trained in combat and can move quite quickly despite her size.

In reality, Kalan works extremely hard to make sure the kingdom is running smoothly. With a somewhat new kingdom that's still expanding its borders into unclaimed territory, she tries to make sure her citizens are well-accommodated. She hardly ever sleeps and forgets to eat quite often. She's often drowning in paperwork or gets tangled up in meetings. To ensure she can keep up with everything, she established a group of her closest friends from her childhood to help out around the kingdom. This group, known as the Kazway Keepers, gives her extra sets of eyes to look for problems around the kingdom and serves as her diplomatic representatives for visiting other kingdoms. Each member has a special skill or professional field that can help in numerous situations. On top of that, she's happy that it allows her to see her old friends on a regular basis.
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