
Gavibenne, or "Gavvy," is a boar-like creature known as a "Porc." She works in her father's blacksmith shop, which is the prime spot in the Kazway Kingdom for weapons and armor. She specializes in hammers and mallets, which are also her weapons of choice. She's also best friends with Rackell and Iirma.
Gavvy has very little education, which is common among Porcs who dedicate their lives to a craft. Despite this, she's level-headed and has a great sense of judgement. She's extremely stoic, distant, and even a little cranky, but tends to lighten up a bit around good company. She couldn't care less about what other people think about her, but won't hesitate to punch someone's face in if they assault her friends. She's part of the main trio on a peace-keeping team simply known as the Kazway Keepers, along with Rackell and Iirma. Her position is weapon and defense specialist. She's about 25 years old.
She's extremely strong; possibly the strongest person in the kingdom. She can punch holes right through trees and an elbow-drop from a high point leaves a small crater wherever she lands. She's not very quick or light on her feet, though.
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Gavvy has very little education, which is common among Porcs who dedicate their lives to a craft. Despite this, she's level-headed and has a great sense of judgement. She's extremely stoic, distant, and even a little cranky, but tends to lighten up a bit around good company. She couldn't care less about what other people think about her, but won't hesitate to punch someone's face in if they assault her friends. She's part of the main trio on a peace-keeping team simply known as the Kazway Keepers, along with Rackell and Iirma. Her position is weapon and defense specialist. She's about 25 years old.
She's extremely strong; possibly the strongest person in the kingdom. She can punch holes right through trees and an elbow-drop from a high point leaves a small crater wherever she lands. She's not very quick or light on her feet, though.